TL;DR: Evaluating the use of GitHub and Markdown to publish articles, also the use of GitHub and Reveal to deliver presentations.

The use of GitHub and Markdown to publish articles

Using GitHub and Markdown to publish articles on a mobile-ready website has been interesting. I think that not everyone can do it unless they have some background on how Git works or the different structure of a website. For me, it was really easy using GitHub and Markdown. I enjoy it, and I also thought that it was beneficial having our personal website where anyone can visit it and look at your work. One downside to this is that if the GitHub servers go down, then you wouldn’t be able to update or check your website. But overall it was a good learning experience, and I will eventually buy my domain so I can be able to have my personal link.

The use of GitHub and Reveal.js for presentations

There are many advantages and also disadvantages of using GitHub and Reveal.js to prepare and deliver mobile-ready presentations. Some of these benefits are that your presentation is online and you just have to go to a link, and you are ready to present. When you download a Google slide presentation, you slide formatting changes in PowerPoint. You don’t have to download anything or worry about the format of your slides changing. Some of the disadvantages are, you need to know HTML and CSS, so not everyone can do it. You also need to learn how GitHub Works and also you will need the internet to access your presentation.

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